November 20, 2020 Currently, the IRS has approximately three million pieces of mail and one million returns that remain unprocessed, IRS Commissioner Charles “Chuck” Rettig said. The IRS mail backlog is down from where it sat at over five million last month. Testifying before the House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee on November 20, Rettig […]

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Why does the 1040 reflect a different figure than the K-1?

Sometimes the loss on the K-1 is not totally deducted on the 1040 due to basis limitation…. And the unused basis limitation is carried forward in those computations.  i.e.   You put $10k into new business. The business has a loss of $12k on the first K-1                 BUT the 1040 will only show up to […]

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GILTI – be careful – international investments

You may be subject to GILTI if: U.S. Shareholder – United States Person (citizens, residents, domestic entities) owning at least 10%, directly or indirectly, of the foreign corporation’s voting stock or value (Prior toTCJA only consideration was voting stock). Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) – any foreign corporation of which more than 50% of the vote or value is owned by U.S. shareholders on any day during a given year. […]

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